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Old 25th September 2015, 12:30 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams estcrh, Regretably you mixed up two references...One from Wikepedia and the other with the actual quote was from my second reference ...Therefor Wikepedia in this instance is vindicated.
Ibrahiim, actually Wikipedia is NOT vindicated at all. I do not mind being wrong but in this case I know exactly what I am talking about. I have directly saved the Wikipedia text that mentions Wilkinson and mail, and the references indicated, #19. "Men Who Wear Armour.". The Daily Mail. 1886. #20. Randolph, T.H. (1892). The Wilkinson Sword Catalog. The Wilkinson Sword Co. Ltd. p. 41. #21. Google Books Iron Men

The first reference is a newspaper article, which according to Wikipedias standareds for valid references is not a valid reference. In most cases facts that come from websites, newspapers, self published books are not usable as reliable references.

Anyway try finding the article mentioned ("Men Who Wear Armour.". The Daily Mail. 1886.), I can not find a mention of it anywere except in reference to the Wikipedia article, if the reference can not be found what use is it? So an other useless reference as far as Wilkinson Swords goes.

The next reference is Randolph, T.H. (1892). The Wilkinson Sword Catalog. The Wilkinson Sword Co. Ltd., again I have looked for this catelog and I can not find it, so another useless reference as far as Wilkinson Swords goes.

The third reference is a modern book, Google Books Iron Men, there is a link to a book called Khedive Ismail's Army, John P. Dunn, 2004. This book does not mention Wilkinson sword at all as far as I can tell, it mentions "zirhagi" (iron men) which is another useless reference as far as Wilkinson Swords goes.

As for the references go, does a great job and I give a lot of credit to Dr Flaherty, but it is a work in progress, images and text change from time to time, information is added and removed, sometimes links die as well.
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Last edited by estcrh; 25th September 2015 at 01:07 AM.
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