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Old 23rd September 2015, 04:40 AM   #13
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Now now Alan, i think you are nitpicking my words just a bit too much. What i wrote was immediately after stating "I believe 'The World of the Javanese Keris' by Garrett and Bronwen Solyom is perhaps one of the most accurate of all these books, though it does deal with only a small area of the keris world". I agree with you completely on this book to the best of my own personal experience to say. I will happily concede to use of the word "most" over "all". I was simply turning a phrase there. What more, i have certainly not read ALL books on keris so i couldn't possible know if there are even any others of equal accuracy to the Solyom book. It an excellent work for sure.
However, by "grain of salt" i did not intend "disbelief". I didn't really even mean anything as strong as "doubt". Merely a healthy state of skepticism. In an infinite universe even things we are fairly certain of might well turn out not to be correct in the face of new research and evidence. And a little salt usually makes my food taste a little better.
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