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Old 16th September 2015, 06:21 PM   #24
Jens Nordlunde
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- a unique identification number. For example VI-131
- basic object type (dagger, sword, jambiya, etc.)
- origin
- date and place of manufacture
- a detailed description
- the object dimensions
- valuations

End of quote.

I doubt that an indification number couls be used here.
Basic object type. Good idea, but some of the weapons are called different names in the different parts of India.
A detailed discription. Good idea, but impossible to many new collectors.
The object demensions. Yes this should be possible.
Valuations. Out of the question if you have read the forum rules.

Thank you for trying, but this is very complex, and I doubt that the different collectors can/will agree to a certain standard - butwe can always hope.

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