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Old 15th September 2015, 05:50 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by CharlesS

To my eyes(clearly failing...see above!) the quality of the silver work on the kriss you have shown us is quite different and in a different league quality-wise than drak2k's. Yours l believe in superior both in workmanship and actual silver quality(content).

Battara is the guy to better comment on that.
Yes Charles, i completely agree. The quality is indeed much higher and the silver is a higher quality as well. I posted it in response to Ian's suggestion that "semicircular marks, sinuous vines, etc., and scalloped edges to the bands" was something introduced to Moro weapons in the 1950s. I do agree with Ian that Drac's example probably had these silver bands added later in the life of the weapon, but i believe these motifs and design elements have been used in Moro work since at least 1900.
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