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Old 15th September 2015, 01:25 PM   #19
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Good thread and some good points.

Regarding Artzi's example, it is also pretty clear that the grip cording there is much later and not in the generally seen traditional Moro style.

Your comments regarding the silver works made me immediately revisit my comments regarding the grip cording on drak2k's example. I tried to enlarge the pics but could not. I had assumed that what I saw there was thin, thread-like cording, but now I am not so sure it is cording at all....we will need a confirmation or input from drak2k. I saw...what I originally thought was...worn broken cording. Upon a secondary look, I think it may be cloth or paper that has been tinted or painted black to simulate the cording that would be there. Note the breaks are too clean, and there are no loose single cords!!!

To me this works towards confirming your idea regarding the hilt, and it has taught me a good lesson on not taking quick glances too seriously in lieu of much closer inspection!
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