Green, I'm indonesian, chinese indonesian i would say. When started collecting keris, my first priority is on the aesthetic nothing else. Thats my statement to all the sellers from there, they will note telling you other stories. But if the first questions you ask the seller if you are looking for a keris that can make you rich or good in making friends etc than you will hear all stories that you would like to hear. The stories are for you to hear and make you wanna buy it
If aesthetic you wanna see than asked about the iron, the luk, kembang kacang etc the look of the keris. Learn from this forum, read a lot, ask a lot. I think a lot of senior members here like to help out.
I'm learning too.
If you bought something., anything really and you feel not comfortable than don't keep it. Sell it back or i will keep it on your behalf...

just kidding...