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Old 11th September 2015, 07:00 AM   #39
Marcus den toom
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Posts: 534

Hi Stekemest,

Don't feel bad about not beeing able to show the clod shot to Michl himself, non of us would have expected him to die this sudden. It really came as a shock, he was doing better and multiple members including myself noticed that he was full of energy the last few weeks and days before his tragic passing. When i called him just a few days before his death he was talking about a powder flask he had found in a Dutch museum, he really liked to have pictures of it and i was more than happy to get them for him... and i still will, not only for him but for all of the forum members. I think that is what Michl would have wanted and what we owe him for all his own contributions, to continue the reseach.
So if you feel up to it, you may still post those images i for one am very curious about them.

best Marcus
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