Thread: Sword for ID
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Old 9th September 2015, 03:28 PM   #3
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Washington's cuttoe was made by an Englishman that had settled in colony of New York.

I'll take a look through Hartzler's book

British silver hilts should have hallmarks on the guard. Some British silver plated hilts may not show marks but it was expected. Below a link to a sold item at Bonhams refering to Bailey with a blade marked with a German maker

The tang button on the sword shown here is not original and the blade no doubt dismounted for plating. The modern nut and button as much a shame as the plating. While the blade type is of the form that may belong with such a hilt, we must always keep later composites in mind. Either someone added an extention to the tang, or the blade was salvaged from another sword. It does also appear that the blade was shortened, as the main fuller runs through the point, which looks reground.

A rather horrid composite recently went through auction but that belongs in a separate discussion.

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