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Old 7th September 2015, 03:57 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Cerjak.
The dimensions, weight, and caliber of the barrel would seem to put this in wall gun territory. And the design of the barrel, especially the breech area shows an Indian made barrel. Many of the wall guns tended to have slightly shorter, but heavier barrels. And this one seems to be a good example.

Pan Covers: Yes, it appears some were made with covers, and others not. I don't understand why they would make a matchlock without one? Maybe something to do with the loading/firing procedure?
What I find curious is the pan covers were made of a very thin, almost flimsey piece of flat iron. Which probably accounts why so many covers are broke off and missing. You would think for all the work that went in to making the barrels that they would make the pan cover of a bit more robust material. Possibly they were made thin to have a somewhat flex to keep the pan cover still while loaded? But the actual lack of a pan cover is a mystery to me.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. Great looking long gun collection!!! I really like that Rasak!!
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