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Old 6th September 2015, 10:41 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by asomotif
Here is a picture from this forum. Is this the type of wrongko / gandar you are referring to ?

As for the silver pendok in this style.
I have seen them popping up in the Netherlands for a few years now.
I am under the impression that they might be recent productions after an old model. I find them attractive regardsless of age or origin.
Yes Willem, i have seen this style of wooden gandar before.
On dating the pendok, i was thinking the same thing. The one posted by Sirek in the single keris shot seems older and of a finer quality than Semar's. Could very well be a revival of an old form. Still curious when this form may have originated, but provenance will probably be difficult unless one turns up in a museum collection somewhere with a definite collection date attached.
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