Thread: Saudi Saifs
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Old 5th September 2015, 10:04 PM   #7
A.alnakkas's Avatar
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Originally Posted by estcrh
Beautiful saif, are there any characteristics in particular which could be used to identify a Saudi saif or a Syrian saif. This saif is supposed to be Syrian, does anything about it potentially identify its origin?
Basically, the Syrian saif and the 'saudi' saif are identical except for finer details.

The Saudi saif (I call it Saudi out of convenience, its not Saudi... it predates the Saudi state) can be basically identified by having an Agrab, the chape having a diamond like decoration all over its length and it ends with a loop and a triangle shape. The carrying rings have swollen shaped fittings, these are constructed in a shape different from Syrian swords which often follow the Ottoman design. The hilt on Saudi saifs usually have a hilt pointing away from the quillons, though this is not 100% as some point straight and some point towards the quillons. This all depends on the maker but most makers I located use the pointing away design.

Basically, to sum up my research and not give much details before publishing... I'll state the obvious, the Saudis learnt to make these from the Syrians, my research will show how and who adopted and developed this Saudi design. And through what period. Anyways, as of yet, most Saudi saif design dates at best to the early 20th century. There is a type I call a proto saif which has elements of both Syrian and Saudi designs... But am not sure I want to speak much about this before I am done :-)))
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