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Old 5th September 2015, 05:08 PM   #9
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Yeah, i've watched the Dynamo Jack sequence from the Ring of Fire series many times. My feeling is that Jack had some real talents which he augmented with a few magic trick illusions. One of the most important parts of this type of healing work is belief, as it makes the patient more receptive to the energies allegedly being transmitted. A few of the things shown here (catching the bullet, starting fires) are relatively easy and well established magic tricks. But he does seem to transmit some real chi energies as well. Of course, these videos owe there success to presenting real mysteries, so it hard to tell how skeptical their approach really was.
However, this takes us way off the track of keris. There is a brief section of the video where we see a finely balanced keris move a little bit. Honestly, this is easy enough to do with wind or magnets, but even if it was the energy of a spirit within the keris it still does not speak to the malevolence question. Again, i've never met a keris that i have felt such an energy from.
If we are to continue along this line of discussion i think i would really like to see it directly specifically at keris and not at the rather large arena of psychic/metaphysical phenomenon.
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