Originally Posted by Battara
Mabuhay Maharlika Timawa,
To my understanding early accounts of the Philippines seem to indicate the kampilan was not a Moro creation so much as it was a common weapon in various forms among several island areas from Borneo to the Malaccas to Luzon to he Visayas to the Moro lands. With the advent of colonial Spanish rule, it seems to have died out among the Luzonos and Visayans.
Note: if I remember right, the Luzon version as shorter than the Maranao version.
And yes, the Spanish banned bladed weaponry in their areas of control (as much as they could) because Filipinos were too good with bolos - any bolos. 
Hello Battara,
Very interesting output. Considering the sizes of the kampilans found in Moro land the seem to be from At about 36 to 40 inches, I'm curious as to what the size for the ones manufactured in the Luzon and Visayan regions. How common do you propose it was amongst the animist regions of southern luzon and the visayas, I'd imagine they weren't as naked when it comes to long swords as their indonesian/malaysian counterpart.
I would also like to add that igorots may or may have not made their own panabas's somewhat smaller than there moro counter parts with some just as big while others are smaller, possibly ban of weapons from Spaniard too?