Originally Posted by David
That said, anyone feeling the need to rid themselves of any particularly maleficent or misbehaving blades is welcome to contact me privately for my mailing address... 
Funny thing you said that. That's exactly what happened to me about a month's back. A friend told me her friend wanted to sell an heirloom keris that was in the family for generations. this surprised me a bit as nobody usually sell heirloom keris. She told me that the owner is already dead and now the keris is passed down to one of his sons that didn't want to keep it anymore and hence it is offred to me which I bought literally for a song. (He was that keen to get rid off it).
When I brought home I had a bit of trepidation and slight bad feeling about it but soon get over it and become fond of it just like the rest of my very modest collection. If there's any truth to my son's claim that my kerises are disturbing his sleep I'd guess this would be the likely one doing it!... but I'd say with 99.9% confidence that my son's nightmare was just normal sleep experience and his attribution to the effect of my collection is just an autosuggestion due to the collective accumulation of the keris lores in our Malaysian/Indonesian culture.