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Old 31st August 2015, 10:39 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Thanks for your interest Gustav and Jean.

Gustav, you have identified a key point, possibly the key point that we must consider in this matter.

I understand that your further responses may be a little delayed, but when you are able, could you suggest a supportable reason for this variation?

Jean, yes, as Gustav has pointed out, there is wide variation in the form of keris that can be attributed to Mojo.

You comment that you don't know what a Majapahit keris looked like.
Jean, nobody does, and that is why I have raised this question. There are a lot of very strong indicators that point to the form of the Mojo keris, but perhaps first of all, we need to define what we mean by "keris of Majapahit".

As for Tangguh Majapahit, the indicators used to classify keris under this system vary. May I ask the source of the indicators you have provided?

May I also ask you the same question that I asked Gustav:- can you suggest a supportable reason for the wide variation in keris form?

You have pointed out that Mojo was a fairly long lived era, most especially so by Javanese standards, but apart from just the passing of time, do you have any other ideas?
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