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Old 31st August 2015, 02:56 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2009
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This surely also will be a longer discussion, and at the moment I am not well prepared to begin with such difficult subject. Yet I will be, next week.

At the moment I am able just to reply with another question.

My central problem when I see the Kerisses attributed to Majapahit is the discrepancy between the most often small and slender blades, looking "halus", and the obwiously massive and short blades in the few period depictions, or the two depictions I am aware of sheathed Keris, which are equally massive and short, which all obviously look "kasar". As do look the wearers, if we accept Bhima-Kertolo as "kasar".

Why there are no depictions of refined characters with refined, or lets say at least waved blades?
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