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Old 29th August 2015, 05:57 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Richard.
That is really good advice. And that's my problem also. I can't seem to part with anything. LOL I've always viewed my collecting/shooting interest as a hobby, not really to realize a future profit. But, as you say, even my sentiment will carry only so far LOL
I probably won't go any more than repairing the lock and mortise area. That way I'll have an original shooter for the cost of an inexpensive Indian made replica. The bore is in surprisingly good shape. But I'll remove the breech plug and make sure, and get one other opinion besides mine on it's shootability.
Again, thank you all for your comments. I'll report back with pics of the repairs, etc.
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