Originally Posted by kronckew
i know you probably knew and only wanted a translation, but others might not know, as you did not provide any detail other than a photo.
as this forum is a repository for research, it is nice to provide information for posterity. at least now it will show up in a forum search by others looking for powder measures.
little details on our big boy's toys like a description, provenance, size, composition, weight etc. add so much more richness to those admiring your stuff. and aid in others replying with information YOU may want to hear.
one must give as well as take. a famous philosopher who once greatly influenced a rather large country that i know you are familiar with, said 'from each according to their ability' before 'to each according to their needs' for a reason. 
Salaams Kronckew and All, I think the words spoken here are absolutely fine and honourable so it would be a huge shame and dis service if Forum were to degenerate into simply pictures...Especially where such an item has good historical detail available to research.
We have a number of similar powder load devices likely to have come from Ottoman sources in Oman...and they make excellent artifacts for study. Actually a friend and client recently gave his entire collection largely purchased from me to Durham University UK.... for their students to study...in an archaeology / history related program.
The importance of research cannot be over stressed on such items at a time when so much stuff is being destroyed or stolen. Notwithstanding that it is only courteous and proper to add what you can, however little, or even in the case of knowing nothing to admit that and call for assistance...
In essence ..(though I make room here for a certain degree of fun and joviality in the collecting world) we have supporting the Forum what is in fact a grand Library record of all our notes so that perhaps in the future someone can carry on the quest for the knowledge I am rattling on about here... and not simply to become a drop box for pictures.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.