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Old 24th August 2015, 06:50 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Tim.
As Kubur mentions, this looks like it started life as a bayonet for an early Lebel rifle. Which, in that case, would have a cleaning rod under the stock versus a ramrod, since this Lebel would be in the later black powder cartridge period versus an early muzzle loader. I don't know how the Lebel bayonet fastened to the rifle.
To convert this bayonet for use on a metal ramrod on a muzzle loading rifle would be very impractial. The weight of the bayonet on the end of the rod would be very heavy, and would likely bend and split the gun stock on the first thrust.
Question: Does the groove on the bottom of the handle look like it was made that way? Or cut out latter ?
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