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Old 19th August 2015, 07:40 AM   #8
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Ibrahim,

Some of these boxes were Quran cases, some of them were bullet containers, I didn't say that they had dual purpose.
Yes, the Quran cases are much larger.

I'm aware of this thread as I opened it.

A Moroccan Bullet box will magically appear here in a moment....
please see Third row down and 4th from the left.

Wrong, it's a grease or oil box, Ottoman, probably Turkish or Balkanic, see the link above.

For the symbols, talismanic or not, you can have symbols on religious items or weapons. It's the same with religious inscriptions found frequently on Islamic blades.


Salaams Kuber, I see... So do Moroccans use Quran boxes as bullet boxes? The one I illustrate had a six pointed star on it so I assume this style was used in Morocco...notwithstanding that they used Quran holders for that purpose...? Im just off to Morocco to have a look...
I agree about symbols on stuff... weapons, jewellery etc are covered in these inscriptions... I just cant see these boxes being used for carrying bullets??...However please illustrate this.

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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