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Old 13th August 2015, 03:28 PM   #12
blue lander
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 456

Very confusing... It seems some argue that gatka has evolved (or devolved) into a points based fencing system fought with sticks and bears little resemblance to how Sihks fought two hundred years ago. What the fellow in the screenshots above practices is called shastar vidya and claims to be the "real" sikh martial art passed on to this guy from some last remaining master or something like that. Gatka practitioners consider shastar vidya to be illegitimate and vice versa. Gatka practitioners would argue against taking his method of tulwar usage as being historically accurate. Who knows what the truth is but it might be better to rely on the historical texts directly.

I'm curious about knuckle bows on Tulwars. Some have them and some don't . Is this a regional thing or is one form older than the other?

Last edited by blue lander; 13th August 2015 at 05:07 PM.
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