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Old 12th August 2015, 06:42 PM   #15
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did not seem to be much actual bloodshed in the first video. old guy with a bit of a a gash to the skin. if they'd been serious i think there would be more body parts & fluids laying about.

made the mistake of giving a 'ninja' sword to my then 18 yr. old son. he of course drew it and started to flourish it about, hit the ceiling & dropped it on his arm, producing much the same cut. he never did that again.

in the 3 yootube tulwar videos, the last shows use of dhal/bucklers, the 3 attacking the onstructor have bucklers, and appear to be using a std. 4 finger inside the guard grip. the guy who is about to be disarmed seems to have his thumb more exposed tho. (te guy behind him had just been similarly disarmed, the instructor holding the resulting sword upside down.
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Last edited by kronckew; 12th August 2015 at 06:53 PM.
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