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Old 11th August 2015, 04:46 PM   #6
Vikingsword Staff
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Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
It is one thing to show a soldier sitting relaxed with his sword, but it is quite different how he would hold his sword during a fight. ...


I completely agree. Whether he is sitting "relaxed" or "watchfully alert to possible danger" is hard to say, and I don't think one picture tells us anything about the fighting style of this individual. His sword is unsheathed (as is the sword of the man seated on the left on the floor) suggesting a possible protective role (or perhaps just staged for the picture--hard to say). Those standing at the back of the Englishman and Prince are wearing some form of uniform and appear to be courtiers/officials of the Prince.

I offer the picture only as evidence that perhaps this grip was used for the tulwar by some individuals.

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