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Old 10th August 2015, 03:53 PM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by AJ1356
The first item seems Indian to me, it has some mid century Afghan aspects to it but seems Indian to me either way.
The second large knife is definately Afghan, I remember growing up with knoves with that kind of hilt. It would be considered as a seylaawa (wrongly named Khayber knife) just because of its size. I would guess late 1800s to early 1900s, you can check to see if it is made of wootz or ordinary steel.
Hi A11356.
I don`t know whether it is Indian or what? I think that I will eventually track it down by the decoration.
I am not really sure that it is a Khyber Knife reason being that I have a small collection of them all differing sizes but all having the same construction of blade and hilt. The blade is `T` section and much lighter size for size with the one I am researching, they also have a straight edge. The blade on the item being discussed is flat 5mm thick which makes it much heavier and less well balanced, it also has a slight curve. I am not saying that it is not an Afghan knife but I am not convinced that it is a Khyber knife unless they come in different forms than the ones I have and which are the ones always shown in reference books. Thank you for your comments.
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