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Old 8th August 2015, 09:18 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by stelio
Thank you all , and we hope to find other answers to these weapons .
Hi Stelio.
That is a nice looking pair of Ottoman horse (kubur) pistols. And a great looking loading (suma) rod to match. And all appear in great condition.
I can't really add much additional information. As metioned above, this is one of the most common type pistol encountered in the Ottoman Empire. Likely made at one of the many gun making centers in the Balkans. Unless made as a pair, I've never seen any two alike. The locks could have been European made and exported to the region for assembly, or locally made copied from their European counterparts. I would have a better idea which if I could view the inside of the lock. The general style of the pistol was made/used for some 200+ years. As mentioned above, the decoration on the stocks, barrels, and locks was done in a generic fashion. I believe this was done so as to appeal to a variety of prospects. On the occassion you do find a mark/signature on the lock or barrel, it could be the maker of the gun, the owner, or the maker of just the lock and/or barrel. So it's very difficult, if not impossible to pinpoint an exact gun making center they were produced.
Again, a very nice pair. Rick.
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