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Old 3rd August 2015, 06:41 PM   #4
blue lander
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 456

Here's my pichok from Uzbekistan. It's completely brand new. Two stories to share about it.

1: I was showing a Central Asian fellow my sword/knife collection. He didn't speak much English but he seemed to know a thing or two and enjoyed seeing my collection. I showed him this Pichok, he glanced it at and said "junk" and went back to playing with my other sword. I asked him why, and he pointed to the back of the blade where it met the bolster. he seemed to indicate that it should be curved, like yours, rather than straight like mine. The fact that it wasn't indicated it was no good.

2: I struck up a conversation with an Uzbek man at a bar and mentioned I had a pichok. Long story short, he said they were made of junk metal and he'd never use one.
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