Geez Rick!
I thought I was presenting some helpful data for readers who might be forming their own opinions. My note on the possibility of 'clandestine intervention' (= salting) was expressed simply as a personal suggestion which offered Mr. Clifford's case an optimistic option.
I thought that seemed clear, I don't necessarily 'believe' anything, as I am inclined to move either direction as more compelling or plausible data becomes available.
In my suggestion I was actually implying that this bar might have been the product of some earlier 'enterprise' in the ongoing Captain Kidd business from perhaps the 19th century ones such as "Oak Island"; the Palmer Brothers and the more recent ventures off the coast of Viet Nam....or of that ilk. I guess I feel compelled to see someone innocent until proven guilty .
I regret that you misunderstood, and I hope you did not get the impression I thought you were making 'wild assertions'. I hoped my notes here would be received as talking points for further discussion, rather than asserting my assumed beliefs.
In any case, you are an 'old salt' yourself

and you know a heck of a lot more on these seagoing things than I, so I hope you see my drift. Just trying to fit pieces of a really old puzzle with a lot of them missing .