Thank you very much Mark!! and again well said on the notes on the integrity of Mr. Clifford's achievements and work.
Someone of his stature and reputation is always going to face controversy, and as noted, the notorious Captain Kidd is almost ironically another case of apparently undeserved controversy. But then, these larger than life figures often become such via that very influence, and frankly, makes them far more interesting, actually exciting !
Often I do wish I could write such a book, but honestly the thing in its hard to write in such an organized fashion of ongoing adventures in history and research as I am still headlong into them!!

That is why my posts on these pages often are so 'Tolstoyean' (?) as it suffices for me for the time. In essence, I am writing a book, but here
Speaking of that , it seems that Barry, you have a flair for innovative and creative ideas, as you perfectly illustrate in your deductive explanation on the lead and silver corrosion theme. Wonderfully suggested, and mindful of the "Maltese Falcon" !!!! A perfect plot which reveals the drama and intrigue which actually did prevail in these fantastic times.
Thank you so much guys! and Gav and Rick for the great links and input!!
All the best,