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Old 28th July 2015, 02:45 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by SwordsAntiqueWeapons
An unusual sword.

I've seen Pala blades correctly married in some unusual dress but that would be quite an unusual sword, quite far removed from the traditional form.

Do you think it is more likely that you'd find a longer Ottoman kilij type blade of a more traditional profile before you'd find the broader Pala type within Arabian Peninsula.

What are your thoughts on either. Have you seen longer blades with a yelman in this dress?

Hey Gav,

Yep those exist. Also, longer blades with yelmans with Gulf Arab mounts are usually from India although Persian and Ottoman examples exist. Will share a couple from my collection soon. Though I believe now that the pala blade was probably not liked in this region.

Syrian hilted Palas do exist, although mostly rehilts with iron mounts.
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