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Old 27th July 2015, 10:31 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by kronckew
i suspected it was a locally made item with the cresent-p marks as a marketing device to simulate a solingen blade. went for a fairly low price. ws described as 'vintage', which i take to mean not made yesterday but not 100 yrs. old either. didn't want to prejudice comments, but it's why i didn't turn in a high bid, looked too new.

(to be more truthful i have installed a 'sniper' program i wanted to test to make sure it was working, so i spotted this & told it to snipe at a low price, expecting i'd lose if the previous bidder had a higher bid. he didn't so i won it anyway. )

Not bad for a test run!!!
What's this 'vintage'???? Heck, Im 'vintage!!! and a lot older than this takouba
Nice going though, and thanks for the interesting query and chance to see these traditions still very present even into our own times.
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