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Old 27th July 2015, 10:21 PM   #34
Jim McDougall
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Thank you for entering this here Kronckew!
This is certainly an interesting perspective on the mystery of the 'dukari' which are of course the paired crescents found mostly on Saharan takouba.

What is unique here, in an apparently quite modern example of the traditional form takouba, is that these curious 'P' marks in semi arc are paired back to back in the same configuration and location at fuller terminals, as the typical crescents known as dukari.

These paired crescents, which seem to invariably occur on takouba blades (some kaskara as well) have many possibilities as to their original meaning or purpose. However, it would seem the most probable was some sort of magical or talismanic imbuement, as has been suggested by various writers on these Saharan tribes.

Though this example is clearly quite modern, the tradition seems to be applied here by interpolation of this letter and arc symbol, which could be connected to any number of meanings. I have seen this on another blade, and Im sure that Iain will have as well.

Interesting!!! and hopefully we might find other examples or suggestions on these markings.
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