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Old 27th July 2015, 02:23 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by trenchwarfare
Nice gun. I believe the black grainy substance you speak of is a filler, or form of grout. I used to think that all inlays were individually carved into the wood. But, if you look closely, where you have a series of linear inlays, they are all set in a wide channel, then grouted in. You see this especially on the cheaper, tourista guns. Then it appears, the filler was used anywhere there was a gap between two different materials.
Grout. That's the word I was looking for. Yes, I agree. The black filler was probably used exactly as you mention above. Good assessment. Thanks.
And yes, I've noticed that with the linear type inlays. I'll remove some of the black during the restoration, but careful to leave it in the right places. This gun will clean up very nice with only a small amount of restoration.
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