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Old 27th July 2015, 01:45 AM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by trenchwarfare
Does anyone have any idea, as to the age of this gun? I have searched the internet, and information is very sketchy. The only photographed examples I can find, are in some metropolitan museum, or in a Bonham's, or Christie's auction catalogue. Is it a wall gun, or was it fired from a rest? It's far too heavy for some 90 pound Malay guy to carry around.
Hi Trench.
WOW!! What a beast!! At 18lbs. this definately puts it in the catagory of a wall gun. Especiaaly with a cheek mount. Or otherwise requiring some type of stand or rest. Maybe even resting on the shoulder of another warrior about mid way down the barrel while the other is aiming and firing? LOL.
In any case, it's a very cool gun. It's really hard to date these guns. But with the full length, tapered octagon barrel, my best guess is somewhere in the 1870's or earlier 19th Century. Unlike the Japanese pieces, there's so little information about them. But the locks all look very similar.
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