26th July 2015, 06:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629
Originally Posted by trenchwarfare
Thanks for the comments, and compliments Rick. Given the smooth patina on the gun, I feel that it is contemporary to the age of the lock. Barrel is smooth bore, so my "shot flask" theory is plausible. The little pouch on the sling, does contain patches. The "wood" flask, is actually horn. Probably Ram. The leaver on the side, has a natural spring effect, opening, and closing with pressure. The plug is internal. The curved horn thingys are probably as you said, a rifle rest, or multiple other uses. The flask, has the same carved "birds head" device, the horn thingys have. Will try to take more pictures. Yes, this the most beautiful, and complete weapon of it's type, I have ever seen. Makes me want to build a mannequin around it. I have a sword, and dagger.
Hi Trench.
OK. A smoothbore. That makes the "shot" theory a little more plausible as you say. That rams horn flask is probably a seperate priming flask. But I don't think the gun is too contemporary per say. Possibly newly stocked in the late 19th Century utilizing an older lock and/or barrel. That would have been quite common. I think it's ALL the genuine article.