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Old 26th July 2015, 10:38 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
This is interesting since it appears to be related to African Sticks...
Is it more a stick than a sword? Could it be related to the style of weapon seen at https://barbadosunderground.wordpres...stick-licking/ which came to Barbados and the Carribbean region from the Congo...?

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
Hello All,

thanks for all the answers. I'm no expert for African swords. I think, it is either a weapon or a ritual sword. It is too good for a simple tourist piece. I would expect a simple wooden hilt on a tourist souvenir. Maybe the blade itself is older than the rest of the sword.

I would compare it with an european estoc sword, the estoc also can have a rectangular cross section with unsharp cutting edges but a long and needle sharp point.

All i can say is, that it has a very good balance and an impressive thrusting power like a rapier but without the typical flexibility. The cutting edges are not really sharp but strong enough to break bones. The blade is hardened.

It is definitely no walking stick, it is too heavy and the lower end of the scabbard is too sharp for that purpose.

I do not fully understand the term "iron stick". In my opinion an iron stick with a sharp and long point is a sword or a sword like object.

Best wishes, Roland
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