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Old 26th July 2015, 12:40 AM   #1
Amuk Murugul
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Default REGULATION KALEWANG / PEDANG MARSOSE ( aka Klewang / Kelewang ):

Hullo everybody!


A selected representative sample, including data which may not be available elsewhere.

Developed in the field for use in close-combat and brush-clearing, thus combining the functions of golok and cutlass. It was mainly to counter the devastatingly effective blades of the Atjehans.
Optimised to suit indigenous personnel ( i.e. strength, length and weight ).
A cutlass-fencing regime was designed specifically for its use.
As demand for kalewangs far outstripped local production, production was transferred to Europe ( 1898 ); mainly Soemmerda and Solingen, as Hembrug was not yet ready for production-line operation ( 1912 ).
European-made blades of regulation-kalewangs were subjected to stringent bending-tests: they had to withstand a bending of 5cm. without breaking and then be able to resume their straight form.

*N.B. The alphanumeric: M....., denotes the European Model number.

Operation in the tropics necessitated protective/anti-corrosion coating on blades:

European blades:
Pre-M1905 - no bluing
M1905 onwards - 'browning' ( blue-black colour )

USA blades:
VINCE - 'parkerised' ( opaque grey )
LILLY-AMES - 'blued' ( blue )
MILSCO - 1946 - 'browning' ( blue-black )
- post-1946 - 'parkerised' ( opaque grey )

With reference to Fig.1, anti-clockwise:

1 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1903 SOEMMERDA (M1898)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 60x72x3.53x0.49cm
Beginning of sword handle
Back-slide fixed by hammered tang ( Fig.4 )

2 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1909 SOLINGEN (M1905)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 61.5x74.5x3.53x0.66cm
Beginning of back-slide fixed by tang-screw (Fig.4 )

3 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1909 SOEMMERDA (M1905)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 61x63x3.55x1.00cm
I.D.: P.A.L./389 = Pasoeroean, Malang & Probolinggo Regional Police

4 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1910 HEMBRUG (M1905)
Blade:LxOALxWxT = 61x73.5x3.45x0.54cm
Finger-loop hole ( Fig.3 )

5 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1918 SOLINGEN (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 62.5x74.5x3.57x0.49cm
I.D.: P.A.K./406 = Kediri & Blitar Regional Police
Beginning of knife handle

6 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1927 HEMBRUG (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 62x74.5x3.53x0.45cm
I.D.: P.A.O./571 = Batavia Metropolitan Police

7 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1940 HEMBRUG (M1911)
I.D.: 2-Bar.III/156 = 2nd.Co., Soemenep Corps

8 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1941 LILLEY-AMES (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT=63X75.5x3.58x0.57cm
Bakelite scales
Acquired by US Army

9 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1941 LILLEY-AMES (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT=63.0x75.0x3.55x0.59cm
Bakelite scales
Acquired by US Navy

10 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose) 1941 VINCE
Blade: LxOALxWxT=62x74.5x3.53x0.57cm
Beginning of hickory scales and
Beginning of rounded clip-point tips ( Fig.7 )

11 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946 VINCE
Blade: LxOALxWxT=63x75x3.59x0.45cm
Beginning of guard-holes with no 'broken corners' (Fig.5 )

12 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A MILSCO
Blade: LxOALxWxT=61x73.5x3.6x0.45cm
Wrist-loop hole with rounded ends ( Fig.8 )
Larger fuller

13 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A MILSCO
Blade: LxOALxWxT=62x74x3.55x0.49cm
Wrist-loop hole with rounded ends ( Fig.8 )

14 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A VINCE
Wrist-loop hole with rounded ends( Fig.8 )
Top portion of guard shaved off
ExTNI-AD Div.VI-Siliwangi HQ Bandoeng

15 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A VINCE
Blade: LxOALxWxT=62x74x3.65x0.49cm
Began wrist-loop hole with rounded ends ( Fig.8 )


1 Kalewang Djago ( De Haan ) 1875

2 Kalewang Atjeh 1880 ( Gliwang Ladieng with M1845/54 handle )

3 Kalewang Walanda 1895 GEVELSBERG ( El Gallito / De Haan )

4 Kalewang 1895 SOERABAIA ( based on M1876 sabre )

5 Kalewang Toemang 1898 TJIKEROEH ( based on M1876 sabre )

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Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 26th July 2015 at 02:54 AM. Reason: update
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