Thread: Research
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Old 25th July 2015, 10:30 PM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Jens, you have asked a very relevant question, and one that is a constant part of my own musings on the idea of "collecting", however, might it be possible to define what the word "research" means in the minds of our colleagues?

I personally believe that intelligent research can generate more questions than it answers, and as you point out, the nature of both questions and comments raised our Forums does seem to have become of two major types in recent times:-

show and tell & classification

If useful research is being done, I would expect it to generate some debate, but I very seldom see debate at any level here.

Do we already know everything, or are we too occupied with other things to give the necessary time to research?
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