Thread: Spanish rapier
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Old 25th July 2015, 07:58 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Matus, you have touched on one of my favorite subjects......passions!
Spanish swords of the periods you describe, in particular the Spanish cup hilt.....the espada de taza.

As Ibrahiim has well pointed out, there have been many discussions on these pages well covering most of these forms, and simply using the search feature here will produce many of them.

If you ask specific questions or need more detailed information, simply post the query here. Most of us very much enjoy the opportunity to continue researching and learning more on these very exciting weapons.

If you look online, for the topic of Spanish swords in general, Juan Perez has always been, in my opinion, one of the foremost authorities on these weapons. He has written many articles and papers on these studying the development of many of the forms.

The venerable monograph on rapiers in general, which although brief, gives excellent data on them is "Rapiers" by Eric Valentine.
There are many studies on these which are written in Spanish, but I will have to look further into bibliography for them.

The comprehensive volume "The Rapier and Smallsword" by the late A.V.B. Norman is maginificent, but focuses on hilt styles of European swords in general, so the attention to Spanish alone is limited. It is regardless, most important detail, however the cost and availability of copies is usually formidable.

These are what I can think of at the moment concerning the broader aspects of the question, and others out there I am sure will bring in more. There are a good number of members here with amazing knowledge on these, and I look forward to their entries.

All best regards,
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