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Old 22nd July 2015, 08:16 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by trenchwarfare
I think the hooks are as stated, for hanging the flasks, and/or other uses. Such as hanging a sword, in the "regain" position. The curved, decorated horn thingies, could be just decoration, or for tying something off. The two metal tools are easy. The one shaped like a boat anchor, is a screwdriver, for removing the lock screws. The other, is for tightening, or loosening the hammer jaws. I discovered, that the turned wood thing, is hollow, with a partition in the middle. Both ends are plugged with a removable plug. One side has a brass band. I think it is a flask for shot. Two different sizes. The band indicates which is which. Looks like it was attached between the two other flasks. The little pouch on the sling, has cloth patches in it. With all the gee-gaws, this rig had to be for a mounted man. Add a sword, knife, and riding crop... Will take better pictures this evening, when the light is favorable.
Hi Trenchwarfare
No..... the thing shaped like an anchor is not a screwdriver, but is in fact what is known as a flint knapper/hammer, for shaping/chipping flints, though I guess the "blade" end could be used as a screwdriver if needed. Check the linked thread I gave you at post #3 and you will see three of these attached to the belt shown there, and also the larger flask hanging on one of those hooks.
Your two part wooden "thing" I am almost certain is/are flasks of some sort. I have seen single ones for sale on Ebay.
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