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Old 21st July 2015, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default Blunderbuss for comments

Now, don't tell me this isn't good stuff .
This one we may call it Portuguese.
Indicative details would be the 'fluted' stock, the trigger guard and the inverted direction in which the fixation screw holds the barrel tang.
Basicaly from the end XVIII century, i would say.
The lock isn't Portuguese by style, but British, a rather common setup.
The large caliber approx. 25 m/m. The barrel length 54 cms. Total length 88 cms. Weight 4,5 Kgs.
Maybe (maybe) ther ramrod is not the original one; could have been a wooden one with a tip of fine material, to match the class of of the gun.
I can imagine the wealthy Landlord going out at night, followed by his bodyguard armed with one of these under his cloak.
No marks at all, which could be one more indication this is Portuguese ... as not having the recurrent Brit proof marks in the barrel.
Would someone care to comment ?

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