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Old 11th July 2015, 07:14 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Stu.
That is a really neat looking horn, for sure. This is a tough one to place it's origin. Hmmmm. I know the turquoise and other stones were popular throughout the Region. But I tend to agree here with Colin. Looks more Southeast Asian, or similar. It's great it still has both it's filler plug and cap. Usually one of the two, or both is usually missing as you know. So this is a good find. Judging by the length it could be a priming horn. But I'm more inclined to think it is a medium sized, what is occasionally refered to as a "day horn". Just enough powder for a 2-3 day hunt. Would be worth restoring the missing stones if you can locate them. Again, nice horn.
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