Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Hi Ibrahiim, Yes I have seen reference somewhere to European leather flasks, possibly being a source of inspiration for the design of these Omani flasks, but have always understood that these PARTICULAR wooden flasks are Omani.
Salaams Khanjar 1 ... Readers may need to be aware of the conflicting information (The subject of conflicting or even blatant errors by well known authors is well known and there are many who are responsible for massively wrong footing researchers down the ages including Stone and even Burton and I feel this error-making is probably the subject of a separate study in its own right. To the list of some famous authors I add Omanisilver.com content which as I have illustrated (and they have ignored)...which is full of errors at a senior aspect of their Omani work..Omani Khanjars. To address the specific errors on their Omani Khanjar situation researchers may see my work on the Habaabi (of Abha) Khanjar at
Back to the Powder Flask

~I have illustrated this style of Powder Flask at many threads here on Forum including
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...=omani+barrels however, that part of the discussion to one side I think it appropriate to discuss how the Omani tribesmen used these flasks since on the abu futtilla there is a requirement to use two different types of gunpowder...and I have alluded to the use of the poisonous plant...Sodoms apple at...
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...t=sodoms+apple to show the local production of gunpowder ...combined with Sulphur mined locally ...and the same reference shows the project powder flask (3 examples) from Oman and the odd brass cartridge style containers for pre-loaded charges.
There are three methods of loading gunpowder into the weapon...The first is by filling brass/other material cartridges and using that as the main charge...see above ...prepared beforehand and containing the wodd of cloth as a stopper. Then there are two powder containers...This project powder flask and the second type in silver and probably designed from the Ottoman style and in Oman traditionally worn about the neck on a leather thong so that it can be quickly pushed behind the neck as the requirement to run headlong through the bushes in pursuit of the target. This flask contained primer quality finer powder for the pan. Main charge powder would be carried either in the pre-organised brass /other material cartridges or in a hefty wooden powder flask as at #1.
Note I add an early references at forum for interest
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.