Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
I agree ... This is the Omani style as outlined in your reference. The reference, however, is a compilation based on the old omanisilver.com site to whom I wrote a year ago outlining the considerable mistakes at their Omani Khanjar section...which they have not changed but show such Khanjars made for and by the flower tribal artesans of what was Yemen but has been absorbed by Saudia Arabia since about 1923...Several of their exhibits are illustrated and described as having a floral stamp on the reverse. No Omani khanjars carry floral stamps but the flower tribal khanjars of what was part of Yemen do !!
I find nothing much wrong with the section at your reference. (I note they doubt as to the authenticity of the Moroccan attribution by Stone.) In dissecting their information I agree that these wooden powder flasks appear to be Omani although they may have been designed from the leather European version of old.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
Hi Ibrahiim, Yes I have seen reference somewhere to European leather flasks, possibly being a source of inspiration for the design of these Omani flasks, but have always understood that these PARTICULAR wooden flasks are Omani.