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Old 4th July 2015, 09:45 PM   #162
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by spiral
Thanks Jim, it was the date of the Seme that got me! So many other bits of silliness throughout it as well .

But at least his published lots of books & sold many such pieces.

Stone was at the forefront of research & didn't have the internet, 5 minutes research on any of these arms on this or many others sites would, while not be perfect set him on a straighter line....
Agreed, in many things published there are items and comments that prove to be pretty funny. I can recall many years ago certain mail order catalogs had descriptions and text with items which many of us would browse through and end up hysterical! These became like comic books, and we enjoyed them for years.
What was horrible was the times that some authors actually used some of these catalog descriptions as supporting evidence!!!???in their published work.
I guess that why we're here, to set things straight as much as possible on identifying items, and sharing knowledge so the newer guys can be aware when they are buying.

Stone was remarkably prudent as he took on his monumental task, and knew the pitfalls he would face. He responsibly noted to readers that there would be potential errors, and encouraged future collectors, researchers and scholars to keep moving forward in further study and resolution.
His work will always stand as the benchmark, and all these years later, here we are!!! I think he would be delighted!!!
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