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Old 3rd July 2015, 06:53 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,712

These ones are often made in china nowadays, but yours is Nepali!

In the original manufacture a cut & filed thin brass disk would go on top of hilt & be held by a small nail driven through it. A quick heat with a gas torch will melt the gum & stick it a bit better. Another very thin bit of brass would be cut to the right shape & after a quick heating again held in place with the already present laha.

If you cut a piece of paper to the right size/shape first , you would have a template to mark & cut the brass. Thin brass sheet can even be cut with good quality scissors!

This was how it was done in the first place but if you drop it or try to use it to chop something will break again.

I am glad you obviously like it, but please don't use it, it was never made to be used, just sold & looked at to give one memories of a great holiday in Nepal, the blade is mild steel & the tang will be rather small & thin, if used it would be easy to hurt oneself with it if used other than as a letter opener.

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