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Old 2nd July 2015, 03:59 PM   #10
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Green
....irrespective of old or new keris, one would expect the surface look would be the same ?
Green, it's not even just a matter of old or new, though that is obviously a factor. Since you live in Malaysia you must know that the country that is Indonesia is made up of numerous cultures with varying customs. So how the surface of a keris looks depends not only upon the exact materials used, how old it is and how many times it has been acid washed, but also the tradition of treatment for that particular area and local culture. Though the keris as we know it began it's life in Jawa, as it spread throughout the archipelago differing local customs were applied to it's treatment and care. Some areas are more aggressive with the acid washing of blades than others. Some areas like Bali polish blades to a smooth surface after washing and staining. Some areas do not stain their blades. It all depends on the area and time period that the keris is from.
Here is an example of a Balinese keris (late 19th to early 20th Century) with a traditional smooth surface and stain as well as a keris from the Malay Peninsula with a smooth surface. Both these smooth surfaces are correct surfaces for these types of keris IMO.
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