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Old 17th June 2015, 06:11 PM   #1
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Default Moro Barong With Real(???) Chinese Influence: A Tortoise Shell Ferrule

We Moro weapons lovers have seen barongs or every size and description and a wide variety of hilt materials and types, but this is a first for me.

Below is a Moro barong with a supposed Chinese 'chop' mark considerably more detailed than seen in most instances, but I still have no clue that it means a thing. In the past Spunjer has brought up the fact that these so called chop marks often mean nothing, but were an assumed selling device for supposedly superior Chinese made blades.

In this case the blade is far from superior, in fact, by Moro standards it is very poorly forged with a number of openings on each face. Etching produced such a horrific and ugly, blotched, result that I decided to leave the blade unetched.

Nonetheless, it is always nice to fine a barong that is complete and retains it pommel carvings in detail and this one certainly does. It also has its original, if damaged, scabbard with restored rattan.

For me the real curiosity here was the tortoise shell ferrule finished with three silver bands. I am not sure I have ever seen tortoise shell used to decorate ANYthing Moro logically it made me wonder if this one, indeed, did have some Chinese influence.

I believe this example is early 20th century. The quality of the hilt is magnificent, even if the rest is average at best or below.

Comments and ideas welcome.
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