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Old 16th June 2015, 08:59 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

The material you use for the gonjo should be mild steel, and preferably anneal it first, because even mild steel can have up to 4% or 5% carbon. You anneal by taking to cherry red and letting it cool slowly, maybe push into a pile of old ash or similar. You will find this material very soft and very easy to work with.

To make it you drill the hole and fit to the pesi first, then using a scribe you mark the outline of the blade on the bottom of the gonjo to be, you file the buntut urang end profile from the finish of the blade wadidang, which is just a continuation of the blade curve.

Then you detach the gonjo to be, file the profile of the sirah cecak end, then file the top curve of the gonjo.

All you need then do is decide how wide you want it and using the outline scribed on the bottom of the gonjo you file the angle through to the top, following the scribed shape.

A little bit of finessing and adjusting fit and finish and you've got a new gonjo.

The first attempt will not be quick, I'd reckon for someone reasonably skilled with hand tools, probably about 8 to 10 hours, but it is by no means a difficult job, it just requires patience.
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