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Old 14th June 2015, 11:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Default A Moroccan Pistol

Since Kubur started a Thread on Moroccan pistols, I thought I would Post my "gun of the week" with........a Moroccan Pistol.
I picked this up at the recent Show in Timonium this past March. There are plenty of long guns available, but you seldom see Moroccan pistols - in any style - come up for sale (that wasn't made as a tourist item). The gun is in really nice condition with just a couple tiny issues.
LOCK: The lock is a Snaphaunce built in the Dutch style, but smaller, pistol size. Still retains most of it's brass overlay and makers mark, brass filled. The hammer won't quite hold at cock, and will require a minor sear adjusment, as most of these Snaphaunce locks do. But it was very well made with light engraving.
STOCK: The stock is in really good shape, with most of it's dark walnut finishing remaining. And 99.9% of it's fine silver wire remains. There is a tiny stone (looks like dark amber) at the upper wrist section that has a pin hole size crack. Hardly noticable. Only a couple very tiny handling marks. Otherwise, not a single crack or gouge on the stock.
BARREL: Good quality iron barrel with nice engraving at the breech. Bore needs cleaned. But no markings. The screw on the barrel tang appears to be a later replacement.

The only real issue I have with the gun is the triggerguard. It is old. And it is a forging (vs a casting). But it looks like it was originally European, and came from, well, I don't know. It's attached to the stock on the front of the guard only, with a tiny nail in a small, square cut-out on the stock. There is a small amount of red rust surrounding the nail. Which tells me the trigger guard was a much later replacement. There is no nail at the rear of the guard to keep it still. You can move the guard from side to side. Only the front nail holds it to the stock. And I can tell the rear of the guard had a longer tail at one time. The triggerguard does look OK on the gun. But I believe this pistol was originally made without a triggerguard. What are your thoughts?
Anyway, picture heavy, so hope you enjoy. And thanks for looking.
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