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Old 14th June 2015, 09:11 PM   #1
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Default Dutch hunting klewang/hanger

ebay auction just ended at 8pm (GMT+1), so i posted this for info & discussion. thanks for any comments or further info.

titled "SUPERB Indonesian/Dutch Klewang European "Hanger" Style Sword"

and it is.

vendor's description: (in part)
Here is a lovely old sword made in Indonesia for either Dutch or colonial troops there. The sword was made in Tjikeroeh/Cikeruh with its abbreviation on the forte of the blade along with the date '1906'. The sword is Indonesian made in the style of a European hunting sword or "hanger". The sword is 34.5in. overall, with an elegant blade of 28in. The blade has a "clipped" tip and is decorated in both chiselled and engraved floral motifs. The hilt is carved Asian water buffalo horn with a silver alloy bolster and brass "shell" guard and brass pommel and rivet rosettes, in a more European tradition. The scabbard is designed/carved to look like it is covered in leather, like similar traditional European types, but it is actually wood painted or lacquered black, as leather does not hold up well in tropical climates. The scabbard has brass and silver alloy mounts.

This is the finest example of this type of sword I have ever seen and is complete and in superb condition with a flawless blade!
nice pertinent and decently complete info.

blade appears to have a few age spots, but then, so do i.

anyway, it's shortly making the journey from the USA to live with me here in the UK.

i noted a few very similar hunting swords from the same period (1st decade 20th c.) in earlier posts here after a search on 'Tjikeroeh'. (Linky)

ebay's vendor supplied (now public domain) photos attached, better than i could take
Attached Images

Last edited by kronckew; 14th June 2015 at 10:22 PM.
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